
5 Mar 2019

Monteverdi Apprentices perform showcase recital at Messums Wiltshire

This presentation of works-in-progress marked the culmination of a four-day residency at the nearby Springhead Trust – John Eliot Gardiner’s childhood home - during which the Apprentices worked closely with their mentors on a range of choral repertoire ranging from folk songs to rounds, covering music from Monteverdi to Grainger, via Schütz, Handel and Brahms - to name but a few.

Recital programme:

Brahms: Einförmig ist der Liebe Gram, Op.113, No.8
Schumann: Blüth’ oder Schnee, Op. 65/iii
Monteverdi: Era l’anima mia (Fifth book of madrigals)
Schütz: Ich beschwöre euch, SWV 339
Brahms: Nachtwache I (from Fünf Gesänge, Op. 104)
Handel: Oh terror & astonishment (from Semele, HWV 58)
Bach: Lobet den Herrn, BWV 230
Haydn: Tod und Schlaf, Hob XXVII:b, No.17
Saint-Saëns: Calme des nuits, Op.68 No.1
Fauré: Madrigal, Op. 35
Grainger: Brigg Fair
Grainger: Shallow Brown
Grainger: Danny Boy
Encore - Grainger: I’m Seventeen Come Sunday

Performers - Apprentices:

Sam Cobb, soprano
Jonathan Hanley, tenor
Laura Jarrell, soprano
Michael Lafferty, baritone
Charlotte La Thrope, soprano
Angus McPhee, baritone
Victoria Meteyard, soprano
James Quilligan, bass-baritone
Margarita Slepakova, mezzo-soprano
Humphrey Thompson, bass

Click here for full biographies of our current Apprentices.

The Apprentices were also joined by members of the Monteverdi Choir and English Baroque Soloists:

Peter Davoren (tenor), Martha McLorinan (alto), Eleanor Meynell (soprano & piano), Graham Neal (tenor), Oliver-John Ruthven (organ), Lawrence Wallington (bass), Poppy Walshaw (cello).

To find out more about the Apprentices Programme please click here, or to discuss how you might support this longstanding artist development scheme, please call Tom Hansell on 020 3197 9818 or email: [email protected].