
Francisco Fernández-Rueda
Francisco Fernández-Rueda, tenor born in Sevilla, holds a degree in French studies from the University of Sevilla and studied singing in ESMUC (Barcelona). Mr. Fernández-Rueda has taken part in the V. edition of Le Jardin des Voix (2011) and has already worked with conductors such a Sir J.E. Gardiner, W. Christie, J. Savall. F. Biondi, E. Onofri, R. Pichon, K. Junghänel, A. Kossenko, W. Katschner, A.Quarta, Ryan Brown and orchestras as Les Arts Florissants, Concerto Köln, Europa Galante, Concertgebouw Kamerorkest, Les Ambassadeurs, Capella Reial de Catalunya, Ensemble Pygmalion, Philarmonisches Orchester Heidelberg, Concerto Romano, Lautten Compagney Berlin; in several venues such a Opéra Comique de Paris, Cité de la Musique, Opéra Royal de Versailles, Opéra de Bordeaux, Rokokotheater in Schwetzingen, Theater Winterthur, Baden-Baden’s Festspielhaus, Brooklyn Academy in New York, or Kennedy Center in Washington.
In the operatic field, Mr. Fernández-Rueda has performed Don Ottavio in Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s Don Giovanni Bajazet in Georg Friedrich Handel’s Tamerlano, Orfeo in Claudio Monteverdi’s L’Orfeo, Narete in Johann Adolph Hasse’s Leucippo, Toante in Tommaso Traetta’s Ifigenia in Tauride, Clotarco in Josef Haydn’s Armida, or Sir Hervey in Gaetano Donizetti’s Anna Bolena.
He has taken part of the legendary recreation of Jean-Baptiste Lully’s Atys, with William Christie and Les Arts Florissants. In the oratorio field, Mr. Fernández-Rueda has sung Mozart’s Requiem and Krönungsmesse, Haendel’s Messiah, Bach’s Johannes- and Matthäus-Passion, h-Moll Messe and Weihnachtsoratorium; Claudio Monteverdi’s Vespro della Beata Vergine or Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach’s Magnificat.
He has recently recorded for labels such Fra Musica, Accent, Naxos, Naxos USA, Christophorus, and radios such WDR, BR Klassik, RNE, BBC radio, Mercury, France Musique or Catalunya Música.