5 Oct 2020
On Sunday 4 October, the Monteverdi Choir and English Baroque Soloists, led by John Eliot Gardiner, returned to the European performing stage for our first public concert since the COVID-19 pandemic brought the musical world to a standstill in March.
Taking place in the stunning Duomo di Monreale, this concert opened the Settimana di Musica Sacra di Monreale festival. The ‘Week of Sacred Music’, now in its 62nd edition, is one of Europe’s oldest festivals, attracting world-class musicians and ensembles from around the world.
View images from the concert here.
Due to an unforeseen cancellation in the festival’s programme, we are now delighted to be performing a second concert in Monreale on Tuesday 6 October. This performance will see the Monteverdi Choir and English Baroque Soloists showcase another programme of choral Baroque works, with music by Monteverdi, Purcell, Cavalli and Blow. Additionally, our organist James Johnstone will now perform an organ recital as part of the festival on Wednesday 6 October, stepping in to replace another cancellation in the programme.